Seattle Naturopathic Clinic
Rebecka Hoppins ND
Before your first visit, we have a detailed questionnaire for you to fill out of your reasons for coming in, medications, supplements, diet and lifestyle habits, personal and family medical histories. It takes 20-30 mins to fill out, so come early or have it done before you arrive! This enables you to have as much time with Dr. Hoppins as possible to communicate your story in your style, address all your concerns and get the details on how to get better! We schedule 90 minutes for this first visit.
Dr. Hoppins will perform a thorough physical exam, discuss appropriate lab tests, imaging and referrals where applicable and decide on a treatment plan together and when to return. Our goal is for you to leave inspired and energized!
Follow up visits are typically about 60 minutes and Dr. Hoppins will check in on all the conditions and symptoms discussed during the first visit, review labs and see how the treatment plan is working for you and address any new problems. We want to get it right and don't like to leave anything out- sometimes that one little thing you don't mention, bring up at the end of the hour or in subsequent visits changes the whole course of a treatment plan or your diagnosis- This isn't the place to be shy!